Brain Week RIBrain Week RI 2016: School VisitsBrain Week RI 2016: Mental TapasBrain Week RI 2016: Brown Brain FairBrain Week RI 2016: Concussion Panel

Brain Week RI

A week (and more) of events focused on the wonder of the brain and the wealth of brain-related science and activity in Rhode Island. March 11-19, 2017

Brain Week RI 2016: School Visits

Neuroscientists visited schools in Rhode Island, bringing real human brains, talking about neuroscience and brain-related careers, reaching 480 students.

Brain Week RI 2016: Mental Tapas

An evening of personal stories, talks about science, and dance, all reshaping how we think about mental illness.

Brain Week RI 2016: Brown Brain Fair

Over 600 people of all ages came to experience 28 exhibits about the brain—how it works, how we study it, and how we treat brain disorders.

Brain Week RI 2016: Concussion Panel

Heads Up! A Panel on Concussion featured 5 experts on different aspects of concussion—what we know about it, best treatments, and legal aspects. Audience members were able to ask lots of questions.

Brain Week Rhode Island

March 11-19, 2017

Celebrating the wonder of the brain,
and promoting brain research in Rhode Island


Brain Week Rhode Island takes place during international Brain Awareness Week. Events are family-friendly, ranging from opportunities to learn about brain research to fun brain-themed activities for all ages. Most events are free of charge.

See the current Brain Week RI schedule.


Brain Week RI is organized by Cure Alliance for Mental Illness with major support from the Brown Institute for Brain Science and the Ryan Institute for Neuroscience.

See our sponsors or support Brain Week RI.

Cure Alliance for Mental Illness, Brown Institute for Brain Science, URI Ryan Institute for Neuroscience


