Dance for Our Aging Population

ASaP LogoDate: Thursday, March 16
Time: 10:30 – 11:45 am
Place: Ashamu Dance Studio, 77 Waterman Street (directions)
Open to: All
Price: Free
Space available: 65

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Sponsored by Artists and Scientists as Partners (ASaP).

DAPpers dance class

DAPpers (Dance for the Aging Population) is a dance class designed for our aging population, and specifically people with movement challenges. (Since we are aging from the moment we’re born, all are welcome.) Instruction is by Rachel Balaban, assisted by Brown University students. The class aims to help participants increase coordination, strength, and flexibility while releasing body tension, and improve balance and gait. In addition, participants enjoy movement and music in a safe, supportive environment.


Rachel BalabanThe class is taught by Rachel Balaban, Adjunct Lecturer in Brown University’s Department of Theatre Arts and Performance Studies. She is co-founder and co-director of Artists and Scientists as Partners, where she advocates for arts in healthcare and facilitates studies of the theory and engagement with the practice of the arts in healing. She is the regional coordinator for Dance for Parkinson’s Disease.




This special Brain Week RI class session will be introduced by Dr. Wael Asaad, Director of Functional Neurosurgery and the Functional Neurosurgery Laboratory at Rhode Island Hospital. His clinical work includes functional neurosurgery for movement disorders and psychiatric disease, traumatic brain injury, and general neurosurgery of the brain and spine. His research focuses on better understanding basic brain functions to develop strategies to alleviate the cognitive aspects of psychiatric and neurological diseases, including traumatic brain injury and stroke.