Who We Are

Brain Week Rhode Island (BWRI) celebrates international Brain Awareness Week, a campaign to increase awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. Each year in March, we collaborate with over 30 partners across the state to host free, fun events that teach about the wonders of the human brain. In addition, we run an educational program called BRAINY Visits to K-12 schools throughout the month on March.

First launched in 2016, BWRI has more than doubled in audience, sponsorship, and scientific scope. In 2019, we reached between 1,000 and 2,000 students through the BRAINY Visits program and welcomed over 2,000 attendees to our events, which featured dozens of notable panelists, performers, and top experts in their respective fields – scientists, physicians, administrators, professors, dancers, artists, patients and patient advocates among others.

Mission: Since 2016, Brain Week Rhode Island has had one mission, to share the wealth of neuroscience research happening right here in the Ocean State. This includes everything from basic research, to understanding how genes and circuits operate in the brain, to cutting-edge clinical work restoring lost function in people with neuromuscular disorders. We’re bringing together experts in many fields to make brain science and brain health accessible for everyone. By combining this science with our vast creative capital, BWRI showcases the work happening here, and promotes a growing biomedical economic sector that holds great promise for Rhode Island’s future.

Specific goals: BWRI aims to (1) increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research, (2) educate and inspire the next generation of neuroscientists in Rhode Island, and (3) showcase the wealth of neuroscience activity and advocacy in Rhode Island.


Learn more about:

What We Do

Our Founding Story

Executive Committee

Watch a short clip to learn more about our exciting events

The Story Collider 2019 (at the Comedy Connection)

URI Brain Fair 2018 (Marvelous Marvin's Brain Circus)