How does it work?

What we can do for you:

Event support: With many combined years of outreach and advocacy, our team has a wealth of knowledge, tips, and resources to help make your event as successful as possible. We will help you on several fronts, including helping you brainstorm and conceptualize your event, chose an appropriate venue, refine your audience, and market/advertise appropriately.

Connections: One of the greatest advantages of Brain Week RI is that we have worked with a wide network of scientists, clinicians, service providers, artists, and community partners across the state. Whether you are a scientist hoping to do outreach, a clinician wishing to collaborate with a scientist, or a community member/service provider curious about how the brain impacts the work you do, we are here to help you make connections.

Visibility: Collaborating with us will help boost your event’s visibility. Our advertising and public relations specialists promote Brain Week RI as a whole through several media channels including online, print, radio, and television. Depending on the outlet, we highlight specific events and, of course, we try to spread the love across all events. In addition, your event will have its own event page on our website calendar that you can share and use for individual advertising. We will also share your event on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) in the weeks leading up to the events. Finally, we are happy to advise you on advertising outlets and strategies (e.g. mailing lists, community partners, flyers, social media, etc.).

What you commit to:

    • Handle the overall logistics and administration of your event
    • Fund raise (if necessary)
    • Advertise
    • Adhere to our schedule of deadlines

Start planning your event today! Select one of the following options:

New Events

If you have never hosted an event with Brain Week RI, we are here to help you! We recommend that you reach out to us 6-9 months in advance of your event. All events occur in March so that means June to September of the preceding year.
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Recurring Events

If you have collaborated with Brain Week before and would like to host a recurring event, this is the place for you. Please submit an "Intent to Host" form at least 6 months before your event (September of the preceding year). Welcome back!
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Checklists & Deadlines

Stay on track with event planning and advertising! Here you will find deadlines and checklists for hosting a successful event.
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