It's great to see you back!

Before you get started with your Brain Week event planning, please take a look at our outline of deadlines and required materials below. If you'd like to chat about your event with us at any time, feel free to email us at [email protected]. For example, we can help you debrief your event from a previous year or connect you with new speakers. We're excited to work with you again!

Stay on track with your planning!
  1. Let us know that you are on board by filling in the "Intent to Organize" form.
  2. Check out our Checklists & Deadlines page.
  3. Be aware of advertisement requirements below.
  4. Visit our New Events page for tips and resources on putting together an awesome event.
Advertisement Requirements

As in previous years, you are responsible for advertising your event in general. We will help increase your visibility by (1) giving you a dedicated event page on our website (2) promoting your event on social media (3) promoting the week as a whole through several media outlets. In addition, depending on the type of press release or communication, your event may be highlighted as a key event. In order for us to be able to this successfully, we have a few requirements due in early December.

Website Materials

We will need a few bits of information from you in order to set up your event page on our website. All of these materials should be submitted through the "Event Details" form that will be due at the start of December.

A blurb describing your event: It is a marketing piece so make it inviting and engaging. Highlight aspects that are unique about your event and be as creative as you want! If you will provide food at your event, certainly mention this. Typical length is about one paragraph.

Pictures: An image speaks more than 1,000 words! If you have pictures from your event last year, we highly encourage you to use them (up to 10). You may also use pictures from your organization, from previous events, or stock photos that relate to the topic at hand. We also recommend adding your logos and pictures/logos from the venue you are using and from any partners involved with the event. Finally, if you have speakers/presenters, you'll want to add headshots for them.

Speaker Bios: You should ask each of your speakers to provide a short bio. This will make your event page look more professional and it will provide valuable information about the kinds of conversations or topics that might come up at your event.

Social Media Materials

Make an Eventbrite page: Eventbrite is a great way to expand your audience. It is ideal because it creates an RSVP list that automatically sends out email reminders to all users. It will be linked to your Facebook event page and we will place it on our website as well. In addition, you end up with a list of emails that can be added to your organization's mailing list.

Make a Facebook event page: We will advertise heavily over social media during the weeks leading up to Brain Week so we will need your Facebook event page to be linked to ours. In order to do this, you must add us as a co-host. Important note: you must create your event from a Facebook PAGE, not from a personal account. If you make it from a personal account it will not show up on our Events section.

Like us on social media: We are on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Please follow/like us and feel free to share anything that you find relevant or interesting. In addition, please tag us whenever you post about your event.

Other Advertising Tips

In order to do your own advertising, we recommend starting with a flyer that is simple and versatile, meaning it can be used for several mediums (email, print, social media). Remember to add the Brain Week logo and your event page from our website. You might also send us a copy of your flyer so we can distribute it as well. Send your flyer to any mailing list you may have access to. You could also contact community partners and ask them to forward it to their mailing lists. If you are at a university, contact the communications office and try to get some publicity for it. Finally, the good old fashioned approach of putting up your flyer at cafes and supermarkets is always a good option.


Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions or comments!