Movie Night: PTSD in “The Deer Hunter”

Date: Thursday, March 17, 2016BUFFlogo
Time: 8:00 PM
Place: Smith-Buonanno Hall 106, Pembroke Quad, Brown University (directions)
Open to: Movie is rated R (17+ years unless accompanied by an adult)
Price: Free
Space available: 128

Sponsored by the Brown University Film Forum and the Brown Brain Bee.

The Deer Hunter (1978) won five Oscars, including best picture. It tells the story of three young Americans from a small steel-mill town before, during and after their service in the Vietnam war. The movie gives a harrowing depiction of the psychological effects of war, and what we today call post-traumatic stress disorder.

The film will be introduced by Ben Fortier, a veteran of the Iraq war who now works in broadcast television.