PechaKucha Night Providence #84: Brrrrraaaaaaiiinss

Date: Wednesday, March 30
Time: Doors open at 7:20, presentations start at 8:20
Place: Cafe at Easy Entertaining, 166 Valley St., Bldg. 10, Providence (directions)
Audience: Older kids and adults


If you haven’t heard of this global yet unpronounceable phenomenon, PechaKucha is a monthly format for sharing ideas in which presenters are allotted 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide. Simply put: it’s 6 minutes and 40 seconds of show and tell for grown-ups. It began in Tokyo in 2003, has since spread to over 780 cities worldwide, and first landed in Providence in March of 2009. To the best of our knowledge, Providence is the only chapter in the entire world that hosts a PKN every month of the year.

On the last Wednesday of each month, PechaKucha Night Providence features a different theme. This month, PechaKucha Providence is joining Brain Week RI with the theme of “brains.” Presenters are encouraged to interpret the theme literally, loosely, or not at all.