
Brain Week RIMarch 11-19, 2017

Brain Week RI activities are mostly free, and open to anyone. Most of our evening events are appropriate for older children and adults. Younger children will find great activities at the Brown Brain Fair.

We are excited this year to present Elyn Saks, Professor of Law, Psychology, and Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California Gould Law School, as Brain Week RI’s keynote speaker. Professor Saks is also an advocate for those living with mental illness, and lives with schizophrenia herself. She is a recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship (the “genius grant”), and founded the Institute for Mental Health Law, Policy, and Ethics with the funds. She is also the author of four books, including her riveting memoir The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey through Madness.

Click below for more details and to reserve space at events. Please stay tuned for more details as our events are finalized.

PK-12 School Visits

Brain Art Fair and Contest

Opening Public Lecture: MacArthur “Genius” Award Winner Elyn Saks

Moving Mental Illness Out of the Shadows

Making the Connection: A Panel on Autism Awareness

Movie Screening and Panel Discussion: Risky Drinking

• Events cancelled for storm

• [CANCELLED] Brown Neuroscience Lecture: Richard Huganir

Nerd Nite

Artists and Scientists as Partners: Dance for our Aging Population (DAPpers), open class and introductory lecture

Panel Discussion on Stroke

PTSD Panel: Trauma to Treatment

Movie and Discussion: The Skeleton Twins

Brain Injury Education Conference

March 18

Through Our Eyes: Visual and Performing Arts by People with Autism

University of Rhode Island Brain Fair

Mental Tapas: Reframing Mental Illness

Brown Brain Fair

Brain Injury Association Advocacy Day

PechaKucha Night Providence: Brainstorm
