Support Brain Week


Be Part of Brain Week RI!

Join our current sponsors

Brain Week Rhode Island is a week-long discovery of the wonder of the brain.

Rhode Island is full of brilliant, creative, scientists, educators, and artists who love to share their passion for the most complex structure in the universe-the human brain!

With your support, we can organize creative learning opportunities to excite a diverse audience of all ages about the brain and better brain health.


Sponsor Brain Week

Brain Week RI Sponsor Sheet

Find complete information in our sponsor sheet: Sponsor Brain Week RI 2017

Or click here to fill out our sponsorship form.


Donate to Brain Week

If you’d like to make a donation to support Brain Week events, please donate here, or send a check (made out to Cure Alliance for Mental Illness):

Cure Alliance for Mental Illness
470 Lloyd Avenue
Providence, RI 02906
