The Story Collider

Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm
Place: AS220 Main Stage, 115 Empire Street, Providence (directions, parking)
Open to: All (older kids and adults)
Price: $10 (Buy tickets)

Science surrounds us. Even when we don’t notice it, science touches almost every part of our lives. At the Story Collider, we believe that everyone has a story about how science affected them or changed them on a personal and emotional level. We find those stories and share them in live shows and on our podcast. You’ll hear from scientists about all the times things went wrong, and occasionally right, in their labs, but you’ll also hear from people who haven’t had a formal connection to science since high school. Some stories are heartbreaking; some are hilarious. They’re all true, and all, in one way or another, are about science. This is a special brain-themed show.

Brain Week RI storytellers:

Chris Bardt is a professor of architecture at the Rhode Island School of Design, and co-founder of 3six0 Architecture an inventive, highly awarded Providence based design practice. In his teaching and work, Chris explores the way material acts not only as a medium for thought but as a profound trigger of the imagination.

Amanda Marie Duffy is pursuing her PhD in Neuroscience at Brown University. Her research is focused on understanding mechanisms that underlie ALS disease progression and therapeutic intervention with the use of molecular, cellular, and behavioral techniques.

Rosa Lafer-Sousa received a B.A in Neuroscience from Wellesley College and is currently a PhD candidate in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT. Her research aims to shed light on the neural architecture of the visual system and establish links between brain activity and perception, with a focus on Color as a model system.

Kia Salehi is a recent graduate of Wellesley College, where she majored in neuroscience and mathematics. For two years after graduation she worked as the lab manager for a neuroscience lab at Brown University in Providence, RI. For the past six months she has been traveling and working on organic farms in New Zealand.

PeaceLove co-founder Jeff Sparr is a man on an audacious mission – a mission to make mental illness cool. Not cool to have, but cool to support. A family man, mental health advocate, teacher and self-taught artist, Jeff is above all a survivor, battling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) much of his life.